
Press Release

Italian ceramic technology returns to Expo Revestir

CS 01/2022

Nine Italian companies coordinated by Acimac will take part in the event

Modena, March 2022 – The first major country pavilion organised by Acimac this year will be in Brazil. From 8 to 11 March 2022, the Italian Ceramic Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association will head to São Paulo for Expo Revestir, the largest trade fair in Latin America devoted to surface coverings and finishing solutions held in its usual venue of the Transamérica Expo Center. Through this kind of collective participation, Acimac is able to offer visitors a clearer picture of the Italian ceramic machinery industry and help them find all the technologies they need for their production lines.

The Association, which has been taking part regularly in the show ever since it was first launched 20 years ago, has around 70 member companies based mainly in the heart of the world’s most important ceramic cluster in the provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In 2022, the collective will consist of 9 leading Italian companies: Barbieri&Tarozzi do Brasil, BMR, Bocedi, LB, Pemo Pumps, Sacmi, Smac, System Ceramics and Tecnoferrari.

The Italian pavilion will also host a lounge organised by the Italian Trade Agency ITA, which will provide support for exhibitors during the exhibition.

Brazil is a leading player in the ceramic tile industry. It is the world’s second largest consumer market with a consumption of 829 million square metres in 2020, one of the top ten exporters with sales in more than 110 countries and the third largest producer in the world with an output of 840 million square metres in 2020. It has a robust domestic market that also imports products from Italy. In 2020, Italian manufacturers sold machinery worth a total of €139 million in South America, equivalent to 12.8% of their total exports. Brazil is by far the most important country in the region, accounting for between 60% and 70% of total sales of Italian machinery in South America.

“We are ready to carry on what is now a well-established tradition,” commented Acimac’s Chairman, Paolo Mongardi. “Events like Expo Revestir take on even greater significance in difficult years like these, with the pandemic still far from over and new problems emerging due to the rising cost of energy and raw materials. Just as we did two years ago, we will once again be heading to Brazil to showcase the excellence of our companies and our country.”

This is the first major event of 2022, but Acimac is already hard at work on the upcoming events in its schedule: Coverings (5 - 8 April 2022) and Indian Ceramics (6 - 8 April).