
Press Release

Ceramic machinery industry sees fall in turnover in 2020

CS 07/2020

According to the preliminary figures compiled by MECS-Acimac Research Department, the sector’s year-end turnover stands at €1,470 million (15% down on 2019).

As widely expected, particularly in view of the months of lockdown and the state of the world economy, in 2020 the Italian ceramic machinery and equipment manufacturers’ sector is set to record a 15% decline in turnover compared to 2019 at €1,470 million.

Italian domestic sales fell by 25.4% to a total value of €349 million, while exports continued to account for the lion’s share of the total with €1,121 million despite a 11.2% decline with respect to the previous year.

These, in brief, are the preliminary figures compiled by MECS-Acimac (Italian Ceramic Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association) Research Department.

Without question, 2020 has also been a very difficult year for the industry’s client companies, who have been very cautious about investing in ceramic technology due to the uncertainties caused by the pandemic and the general economic environment. It is also worth remembering that the falloff in demand had already begun prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.

“Our sector began to see a decline in turnover in 2019 and for obvious reasons this has continued into the current year,” confirms Acimac’s chairman Paolo Mongardi. “Although caution is essential when making any kind of forecasts, we believe that after two years of lower investments on the part of customers, the end of the coronavirus emergency may coincide with the cyclical recovery of the ceramic machinery sector. This is certainly our hope for 2021.”

This sense of optimism is further reinforced by the launch of the National Industry 4.0 Plan, an approximately €24 billion investment by the Italian government to stimulate investment in new technologies. Acimac welcomes this measure, which will boost and speed up tax relief for companies.