
Press Release

Acimac’s new Board of Directors holds its first meeting

CS 09/2021

The Board was elected during the last Members’ Meeting and will remain in office for 4 years.

Acimac’s new Board of Directors has officially taken office and has held its first meeting at the association’s headquarters, Villa Marchetti. The Board was re-elected at the last Annual Members’ Meeting on 10 September and will remain in office until 2025. It consists of both new and re-elected members: Maurizio Cavagnari of Stylgraph Spa, Stefano Compagni of Mectiles Italia Srl, Corrado Fanti of LB Officine Meccaniche Spa, Armando Meletti of Esmalglass Spa, Simone Sorrentino of Surfaces Technological Abrasives Spa and Fabio Tarozzi of Siti B&T Group Spa.

The Board of Directors is completed by Paolo Sassi of BMR (Past Chairman), while the Chairman’s Committee, elected in 2020, consists of the Chairman Paolo Mongardi (Sacmi Imola SC) and Vice-Chairmen Paolo Lamberti (Tecnografica Spa), Luca Bazzani (System Spa) and Bruno Bettelli (I-Tech Srl).

Several of the board members elected for the first time spoke to the association’s news channel Acimac News about their appointment. “I am delighted to have been elected and to represent my company within ACIMAC,” said Simone Sorrentino of Surfaces Technological Abrasives. “I intend to work alongside the other board members to act in the best interests of the finishing sector. There are many challenges ahead: after a difficult period we are working hard to contribute to the ongoing recovery.”

His words were echoed by Stefano Compagni of Mectiles: “To be honest, I had been thinking about standing for several years as Mectiles Italia has been a member for quite some time. I believe I can make a contribution, and I am honoured to have received the support of many business colleagues and friends from trade fairs. I am very pleased to be a member of the Board and will honour this commitment to the best of my ability.”