
Press Release

ACIMAC: Paolo Mongardi elected as the new Chairman

CS 05/2020

Paolo Mongardi was officially elected Chairman of ACIMAC during the association’s Annual Meeting held at Acetaia Leonardi in Magreta (Modena) on Wednesday 8 July. He takes over from Paolo Sassi, Chairman of BMR and Chairman of ACIMAC for the four-year period 2016 – 2020.

“I’m excited to be personally involved and to have the opportunity to work with an exceptional organisation,” said Mongardi. “This organisation’s enormous value and efficiency is demonstrated by the fact that the national Confindustria (Italian employers’ federation) sees our system as an organisational role model to be followed. The new operational collaboration with AMAPLAST, along with our longstanding partnership with UCIMA, will allow us to further strengthen this system and create new opportunities.”

“Following an intense election campaign, an agreement was reached for an alternating chairmanship of ACIMAC. I will serve as chairman for the first two years of the four-year term and will then hand over to my colleague Paolo Lamberti, who for the time being will serve as vice-chairman in charge of innovation,” continued the newly elected Chairman. “The fact that the Members’ Meeting has voted unanimously for the first time reflects the association’s unity in terms of its operations and vision.”

“While we are well aware that we have already reached an excellent level, we aim to further expand the services offered. We also want to expand our membership and involve sector companies in our association’s initiatives,” concluded Mongardi. “We aim to unify and represent the entire sector by bringing together both large and small companies.”

Mongardi named his two vice chairmen Bruno Bettelli from I-Tech, who is in charge of association marketing, and Luca Bazzani from System Ceramics, tasked with promotional and exhibition activities.

Another announcement made during the meeting was the change in ACIMAC’s directorship, with Mario Maggiani, 53, Director General of AMAPLAST, to take over as the association’s Director General from Paolo Gambuli.

Paolo Mongardi, born in 1964, began working at Sacmi in 1985 as a project designer. In 2001 he joined the Board of Directors and in 2013 was appointed chairman.