
Press Release

Acimac: 15 companies volunteer for the national vaccination programme

CS 04/2021

The Italian ceramic machinery and equipment manufacturers have responded to Confindustria’s call to help create a map of potential “community factory” sites

Modena, 1st April 2021 – A total of 15 ceramic machinery manufacturers have responded to Confindustria’s appeal to voluntarily make their sites available for use in the national Covid-19 vaccination programme.

These fifteen companies have responded positively to the call to create a map of potential “community factory” sites throughout Italy, an initiative that has seen a total of more than 10,000 factories proposed. This figure reflects businesses’ strong spirit of service towards the country and solidarity with their local communities and represents a social and entrepreneurial response to the period of uncertainty that has been afflicting the entire global economy for over a year.

Confindustria launched the initiative following discussions with Italy’s Covid-19 Emergency Commissioner, General Figliuolo, with the aim of identifying companies willing to make their sites available for use as vaccination centres.

Participation in the initiative extends across the entire country: 48.8% of participating companies are located in the North-West (36% of the total in Lombardy alone), 24.2% in the North-East (12% in Veneto), 14.1% in Central Italy, 10.4% in the South and 2.5% in the Islands. Some 85% of the companies are members of Confindustria-affiliated associations, but other sites that have been volunteered include airport terminals, ports, railway stations, hotels, racetracks and gyms.