
Press Release

Italian ceramic technology to be showcased in São Paulo and Jakarta

CS 04/17

The Italian ceramic machinery industry continues its world tour with visits to Brazil and Indonesia.

Italian ceramic machinery sets off for India

CS 03/17

From 1 to 3 March the Italian pavilion organised by ACIMAC and ICE will be showcasing Italian ceramic machinery at Indian Ceramics

Italian ceramic machinery turnover tops 2 billion euros

CS 17/16

Secondo i primi pre-consuntivi del Centro Studi Acimac, il fatturato di settore dovrebbe crescere del 3,9% raggiungendo per la prima volta 2.060 milioni di Euro.

Acimac: newly-elected Chairman Paolo Sassi sets out his agenda at the Members’ Meeting

CS 11/16
Acimac: newly-elected Chairman Paolo Sassi sets out his agenda at the Members’ Meeting

Paolo Sassi, the newly elected Chairman of the Italian Ceramic Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, set out the agenda for his term in office to a large audience of business leaders gathered at Villa Marchetti for the Annual Members’ Meeting.

Italian ceramic machinery industry reports record turnover

CS 10/16

The 24th National Statistical Survey conducted by Acimac reveals the highest turnover in the industry’s history at 1,982 million euros.

Exports accounted for 76.8% of turnover and grew by 9.1% to 1,522 million euros.

The positive Italian market trend continued, reaching a total of 461 million euros, up 4.3% on 2014.

The ceramic world mourns Ivanno Ligabue

CS 09/2016
The ceramic world mourns Ivanno Ligabue

Founder and chairman of ACIMAC from 1996 to 2000, Ivanno Ligabue was one of the most gifted and brilliant entrepreneurs in the Sassuolo ceramic district.

Ceramic machines in China

CS 08/16

Italian technological excellence takes centre stage at Ceramics China.
Companies will meet Chinese customers during an Italian evening.

Paolo Sassi on course for Acimac chairmanship

CS 07-16

Dopo le consultazioni con la base associativa, la Commissione di Designazione dell’Associazione dei Costruttori di Macchine e Attrezzature per Ceramica ha individuato Paolo Sassi quale candidato alla nuova presidenza di Acimac. La nomina avverrà durante l’assemblea generale di giugno.

Italian ceramic technology establishes a presence in Tennessee

CS 06-16

Inter Ser, Martinelli, LB con BMR, Sacmi, System e Remix, le aziende italiane che hanno inaugurato nel recente periodo nuove sedi nel Tennessee, lo Stato americano che ospita il più importante distretto ceramico degli Usa.

Italian ceramic technology on display in Moscow

CS 05-16

Batimat Russia, the country’s largest construction and interior design exhibition, begins.

Italian ceramic technologies on display in Jakarta

CS 04-16

Keramika, the most important Indonesian ceramic exhibition, began yesterday with the participation of 13 Italian companies.

Italian ceramic machinery on display in Brazil and India

CS 02-16

The Italian ceramic machinery manufacturers’ international promotional campaign coordinated by Acimac is due to begin with Revestir in São Paulo and Indian Ceramics in Ahmedabad.