
ACIMAC Services Company

S.A.L.A S.R.L. is ACIMAC's service company.

It provides support with strategic activities and day-to-day running of the association (organisation and promotion of Italian and international trade fairs, technical conferences, seminars, training and publications).

S.A.L.A. also provides expert consulting in the most varied fields:

  • Economic analysis and technological development, through the Research Center and the MECS Division
  • Marketing and market research, through the Research Center and the MECS Division
  • Promotional activities and company communication strategies, through the promotional division and the group's companies Intono and Tile Edizioni.
  • Professional training courses for the main areas of interest to member companies, thanks to the training school SBS
  • Company organisation and management,  through the Training Department and the training school SBS
  • Commercial agreements and agency contracts, through the Economic department
  • Assisted finance, through the Economic Department
  • national and international technical standards, through the Technical departmen

For information: info@acimac.it