
Cookie policy

(Provision of 8 May 2014 issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority published in O.J. no. 126 on 3 June 2014 implementing directive 2002/58/EC)


This document is written for the sole purpose of giving users a better understanding of how cookies are used and deactivated.

It should be noted that users may also make their choices regarding the use of cookies on the website www.acimac.it (see the detailed list in the section under “types of cookies”) by using the browser settings provided below. The user can also set “private browsing”, which allows the user to browse the internet without any information being saved regarding websites, pages visited, passwords entered or other parameters.


How to disable cookies


Warning: if cookies (including technical cookies) are disabled by the user, certain site functions may be reduced or become unavailable.



To disable the types of cookies used by this website directly from your browser

Chrome . https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
Internet Explorer . http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Opera http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html
Safari http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=it_IT
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie


If you are using a web browser other than those listed above, please refer to your browser’s documentation or online guide for further information.


Please note that the Data Controller acts solely as a technical intermediary for links provided in this document and cannot assume any responsibility in the event of changes.


To discover and disable cookies by choosing them according to type

Third Party cookies

To disable Add This: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/opt-out




Cookies are small strings of texts that visited sites send to the user’s terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored and re-sent to the sites the next time the user visits. In addition to cookies, other similar tools (web beacons/web bugs, clear GIFs, and others) capable of identifying the user or the terminal are also subject to the provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority.

While browsing a website, the user may also receive cookies sent to his/her terminal by other websites or web servers (known as “third parties”), which may contain certain elements (such as images, maps, sounds, and specific links to pages in other domains) present on the website the user is visiting.

Cookies are usually found in large numbers in users’ browsers and can sometimes remain there for long periods of time. They are used for various purposes: to authenticate computers, monitor sessions, store information on specific configurations regarding users who access the server, etc. Further information on cookies can be found at www.allaboutcookies.org.

For proper regulation of these devices, they must be differentiated given that there are no technical characteristics that set them apart from each other according to their intended use. Steps in this direction have however been taken by the legislator who, by implementing the provisions set forth in directive 2009/136/EC, has established the obligation to acquire informed consent in advance from users to the installation of cookies used for purposes that are not purely technical (see art. 1, section 5, subsection a) of Legislative Decree 28 May 2012, no. 69, which amends art. 122 of the Code).


Further information about the cookies used by the website www.acimac.it

When you visit this website, “first-party cookies” (generated and used by this website) and “third-party cookies” (generated on this website by third parties) may be sent to your computer or other device. Please note that disabling certain cookies may limit the possibility of using the website and may prevent you from fully benefiting from the functions and services available. To decide which cookies to accept and which to refuse, the following is a description of the cookies used by www.acimac.it . The Data Controller is not responsible for subsequent amendments and supplements to policies or for changes to the operating rationale of third-party cookies.



Types of cookies

Navigation cookies - First party cookies

These are cookies that guarantee normal navigation and use of the website, and allow a connection to be established between the server and the user’s browser. These cookies allow the site to function correctly and allow content to be viewed on the user’s device. Without these cookies, certain requested functions such as site log-in or the creation of an online shopping cart may not be available. Navigation cookies are technical cookies and are required for the website to function.


Functional cookies - First party cookies

These are cookies stored on the computer or other device which record the choices made by the user so as to optimise navigation of this website (for example, saving a password for restricted areas, recording the products placed in a shopping cart so that they will still be there when the user returns for a later session, saving the selected language, watching a video, or providing the option to comment on a blog, etc.). Functional cookies are not essential for the operation of the website but improve the quality and experience of navigation.


Analytical Cookies - Third party cookies


These are cookies that collect information on how the website is used, such as which web pages the user visits most often. This site uses third-party cookies from “Google Analytics”, a statistical analysis service provided and managed by Google. The Google Analytics system present on www.acimac.it is set up in such a way as to reduce the identification power of the cookies. Functions that allow information to be cross-checked by the third party are disabled. With these settings in place, this type of cookie is equivalent to a technical cookie.

Useful addresses for finding out more about the Google Analytics privacy policy and for downloading the consent forms:
- http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/it.html
- http://www.google.com/privacypolicy.html



Cookies for integrating products or software functions - Third party cookies

These cookies integrate functions developed by third parties on website pages such as social media icons and preferences for the purpose of sharing website content or for the use of third-party software services. These cookies are sent from third party domains.

This type of cookie is not essential for the functioning of the site.

The website www.xxx.it contains third-party cookies, i.e. cookies sent by third-party companies. For third-party cookies, (company name) does not control the information provided by the cookies and does not have access to these data. This information is controlled by the third parties in accordance with their own privacy policies.

This website uses:



Add This

This website uses “Add This” social media buttons to allow users to share content on social media platforms.
The use of this sharing service involves the installation of cookies, including profiling cookies, of the third-party company that provides the service. However, the website does not share any browsing information or user data acquired through the use of these sharing buttons, with the exception of certain data in an aggregate form. Read the privacy policy for use of the AddThis Sharing Button at the following link:


To opt out go to: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/opt-out